Sunday, August 7, 2011

Getting back into a routine

Here it is the end of the weekend and I have accomplished what I set out to accomplish! Hooray! I finished both painting projects I was working on and have placed each project in its rightful home. Here are some pictures of what I’ve been working on. Now to get back on track with the house and start my curtain projects!

One of my favorite books about homemaking is Home Comforts: The Art & Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson. Now, I have to admit that I’m still reading through the book front-to-back for the first time, but I have revisited different sections on more than one occasion, and have skipped forward and backward to various sections. I really enjoy how Cheryl gives a history of the hows and whys with her recommendations and methods. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone!

One of the topics she covers early on is easing into a schedule. Now that I have been without one for so long, too long really, her methods and lists have helped me compile a schedule and lists of my own. Since we‘ve moved, there are a few items that necessitate change in my schedule. Our home here is a lot bigger than it was at our last place! Nearly twice as big, it seems. So that means more to clean, and requires better cleaning schedule management. My husband’s daily work uniform has changed, which changes my laundry schedule requirements. And I’ve discovered certain energy conservation tips that I would like to incorporate into my schedule as well. Essentially, I had to completely revamp my schedule.

I’m still working out timing issues and will link to my schedules for anyone interested as I get them finished up. In the mean time, I will link to my overall household cleaning schedule that shows all items to be done and the daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly/seasonally rotation I keep for those items. Home Cleaning Schedule And I have also uploaded a couple of pictures of my finished painting projects for you to enjoy.

Have a fabulous day!!

Until later,

 I've sponge painted matching dresser, book shelf, 2 wall shelves, and diaper changer for the girls' room. We also have a sizeable entryway now, so I painted our last name in individual letters to hang on the wall, here is a sampling.

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